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Helix Updates

Helix Release Notes – 16 April, 2020

Enhancements (COVID-19)

Appointment Book and the Queue

  • You can now flag an appointment and/or a queue item with a “Caution” label, intended to warn administration staff and practitioners to check the notes for more information on the patient. The flag can be added or removed whilst in the appointment book and queue in the details screen.

Telehealth and Phone Consults Queue

  • To better support the workflow for Telehealth and Phone consults, patients for these appointment types will automatically ‘arrive’ (be added) to the queue 10 minutes before the appointment start time. This work has been done to ensure they appear in the queue even though they have not physically arrived at the practice.

Enhancements (General)

Medicare Batching and Transmission Screen

  • A label is now displayed next to the symbol on the filter in the Medicare Batching and Transmission screen.