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Helix Updates

Helix Release Notes – 11 January, 2024

11 January, 2024

Immunisation update 💉

December 2023: ‘VERORAB powder for injection’ 3.25 units has been added to Helix’s Immunisation schedule.

Enhancements ✨

Filter added to SMD Outbox view: A filter button has been added to the SMD Outbox to allow you to view a list of either your own documents or all documents.

MBS Incentive items auto-populate for custom roles: We have extended the automatic population of MBS incentive items on a visit to include HCPs of any role, including custom roles.

Previously, they would only populate for roles GP, MDGP or LeadGP.

Visits with a referral will not automatically include the incentive items, and patients must meet the eligible criteria.

Recall Management settings – Centre selection list: In Settings > Centre > Recall Management, the ‘Centre’ selection dropdown list is now filtered to centres linked to you. Roles with the ‘All Centres’ permission will be able to select any centre.  

Bug fixes 🐛

Patient address appearing in patient header: The patient address (suburb and state) now appears consistently in the patient header when the panel is full width.