Features in AusDI
Independent monographs
Obtain a suite of independently authored, clinically relevant information about a single drug or class including non-TGA approved indications, pharmacology/pharmacokinetics, precautions, side/adverse effects, counseling points and dosing information.
Regular product updates
AusDI is updated daily by a team an Australian editorial team under the guidance of an independent editorial committee, and then updated monthly in accordance with the latest PBS Schedule information.
Advanced Searching Capabilities
Find what your looking for
Quick search
Search an auto-complete suggestion list using brand name, ingredient, indications or therapeutic class.
Advanced search
Combine search terms with boolean operators or limit/refine the search results.
Free text search
Search the full text across all the available medicines information including discontinued products.
Independent medicinces Information
Latest drug information, guaranteed
Latest product information
Access the most recent TGA approved content sourced directly from pharmaceutical companies.
Consumer information
Find the most recent Consumer Medicine Information documents sourced directly from pharmaceutical companies in pdf format.
Visual product identifier
Identify unknown products based on physical characteristics such as shape, scoring, colour or markings.
Drug interactions and safety
Identify clinically significant drug-drug, drug-food and drug-complementary medicine interactions, duplicate therapy warnings and shared adverse effects.
Product personalisation
Tailor your search workflow using favorites, account information and group settings.
Access from any device
AusDI can be accessed without downloading software or data, so you can use the database on your phone, laptop, tablet or wherever else you’re treating patients.
Intergrations and add-ons
Providing greater access to medicines information
Don't Rush to Crush
Don’t Rush to Crush 3rd Edition is fully integrated into MedicalDirector’s medicines information database AusDI. ensuring you have everything you need to provide greater clinical decision support at the point of care.
Natural Medicines Database
AusDI's medicines information team has partnered with TRC to offer the Natural Medicines Datatbase to AusDI customers, in order to make more informed and accurate choices for patients.
FredNxt integration
AusDI is Integrated with FredNXT dispensing software increasing the effectiveness of existing clinical systems by providing you with access to independent evidence-based medicines information.
Australia’s trusted independent
medicines information resource.
AusDI is Australia’s only independent, unbiased drug database, powering over 80 million consults through our clinical software applications.
Our drug interactions checker includes information on most drug interactions, including drug drug interactions and drug food interactions. AusDI also allows you to check for potential interactions between natural medicines and food supplements.
Possible drug interactions occur between two or more drugs and can impact patients in a number of ways from increasing blood pressure to more serious consequences. With the ability to browse drugs by class, it’s easier to identify where possible interactions might occur. Some of the classes included in AusDI are:
- Alcohol drug class
- Analgesics diazepam drug class
- Fibrinolytic heroin drug class
- Antiprotozoals amoxicillin drug class
- Antihistamines dipyridamole drug class
- Dexamethasone drug class
- Doxorubicin drug class
- Fluticasone drug class
- Antiprotozoals haloperidol drug class.