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A Helix Customer Story

Terralong Street Surgery

Effective Collaboration with the Cloud

To effectively run a General Practice, collaboration is key at every level of the business. With administrative and clinical staff all needing to work closely together, the case for an integrated cloud-based software like MedicalDirector Helix, is strong.

Terralong Street Surgery chose Helix to enable team cooperation and efficiency.

"Helix actually makes teamwork much easier. Anyone at any moment can open up a patient's file and it actually distinguishes who has written notes.


It's clear, it's quality and it's accessible.”

Ready to learn more about whether cloud clinical software might be a good fit for your practice? Watch the MedicalDirector Helix videos, or request a trial.

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As our industry moves towards increasingly digitised processes, interoperability and connected systems, Cloud clinical software is the future of healthcare delivery in Australia. Enable ideal healthcare with MedicalDirector Helix.

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