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A Helix Customer Story

Dr Aged Care

As Australian’s ageing population continues to grow, so too does the demand on healthcare providers and the complexity of the population’s care needs.

Dr Aged Care is a practice of roving doctors who deliver much needed care in residential aged care homes around Victoria. Helix, a cloud-based clinic software solution from MedicalDirector, provides not only the flexibility to deliver care throughout the community, but also the interface to effectively manage the health of elderly patients, many of whom have complex care needs.


Dr Azadul Islam runs a practice dedicated to providing healthcare services for nursing homes and aged care facilities. Treating patients in this particular demographic has its own challenges, and offering remote services means his practice needs flexible software.

"The flexibility of the cloud-based software allows us to carry our laptops around with us into different rooms and complete consult notes in real time."

The Challenge

Dr Aged Care works with elderly patients living with multiple, often chronic conditions. Finding a solution that met these specific needs was a challenge.

  • Most clinical software solutions don’t display comprehensive patient information in a single-view.
  • Medical practices rely on locally hosted and managed IT infrastructure, which limits the flexibility the provider can offer.
  • Roving GPs often have to enter information multiple times as on premise software solutions don’t easily allow real-time data entry.

The Solution

Helix by MedicalDirector, a cloud solution for clinical and practice management, was the ideal choice for Dr Aged Care as it provided the flexibility and functionality that the practice requires to effectively treat and manage the health of elderly patients.

“We work with mature patients who have multiple medical conditions, meaning treatment can be complex," Dr Islam said. "Therefore, we need to have all patient information in clear view during our consultations."

"Helix has a sliding interface where you can come in and out easily without having to close different windows of patient information. In a single view, I can see the patient’s medication list, full medical history and timeline while I’m in a consult.”

Helix loads quickly and displays all relevant patient information in one display, without having to open and close up different windows," he said.

It’s important Doctor Aged Care’s database can be accessed anywhere, as it delivers care across multiple facilities, and often for immobile patients. It also needed an interface that provides a holistic patient view, displaying all relevant patient information easily, without having to open and close new windows.

As a cloud clinical and practice management software, Helix provided this flexibility, as the Wi-Fi provided by the nursing homes is all that’s needed to provide comprehensive care.




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Three benefits of Helix


Helix’s cloud-based functionality enables access to a practioner's database from any location, without the need for a locally-hosted server or particular IT infrastructure.


With Helix, Doctor Aged Care has full view of their patients’ medication list, medical history and timeline of results wherever they go.

Easy to use

Backed by more than 20 years of industry experience and technical experience by the best in the business, Helix is easy to execute, access and navigate.

Find out more about Helix

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