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MedicalDirector Remote Access

Customer Service

Implementation & Training

Client Management


Remote assistance via Teamviewer allows your MedicalDirector representative to connect to your practice and further assist you.


Internet Explorer users

  1. Select the relevant department
  2. When prompted, select the option to 'Run'
  3. Enter your practice name in the 'Your Name' field

Google Chrome users

  1. Select the relevant department
  2. When downloaded, run the TeamViewerQS exe file
  3. Select the option to 'Run'
  4. Enter your practice name in the 'Your Name' field

Mozilla Firefox users

  1. Select the relevant department
  2. Click 'Save'
  3. Select the downloads option (top right hand corner of Firefox)
  4. Click on the TeamViewerQS exe file
  5. Select the option to 'Run'
  6. Enter your practice name in the 'Your Name' field