How to tell if you’re really using cloud clinical software
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How to tell if you’re really using cloud clinical software

At a time when remote work is becoming the norm, many healthcare practices are finding themselves limited by traditional server-based software platforms. 

Moving your software to the cloud is a great way to improve efficiency, reduce ongoing maintenance costs and provide your staff with a more flexible way to work. This might sound great, but if you’re going to get all the benefits, it’s important that you’re using a true cloud software solution and not a remote desktop. 

With a true cloud solution, you don’t have a physical server – everything is hosted in the cloud and maintained for you. While a remote desktop may give your practice extra flexibility and the capability of working remotely, a true cloud-based software platform gives you a huge number of other benefits as well.

Here are a few of the main advantages of using a true cloud software platform when compared to one that’s server-based but hosted in the cloud:


  1. It’s not tied to a physical server. Allowing remote access to your software might mean greater flexibility, but there is still a physical server involved, and that means you will need to maintain and upgrade it as needed. With true cloud software, like MedicalDirector Helix, your software itself is hosted on a highly secure, remote, cloud-based server, and managed by a cloud software provider. 
  2. You won’t need extra bandwidth. Because your server is hosted and managed in the cloud, there’s no need to worry about having enough bandwidth for your employees to log in remotely. This can help decrease your practice costs and improve your overall network speed and productivity.
  3. Backups are taken care of automatically. With true cloud software, all the data backups are taken care of for you, as well as storage in a secure location. This saves time and gives you an extra layer of protection in the event that something goes wrong. 
  4. Updates are automatic. With true cloud, there’s no need to download and install software updates. As new features and functionality are released, they are available to you automatically. Everything is taken care of for you by a dedicated team of product specialists, saving you time and money on external IT.
  5. There’s plenty of scalability. Because remote desktop platforms are still tied to physical infrastructure, it’s harder to add new users. With true cloud software, adding new users is quick and easy so it’s easier for practices to scale up and down as needed. 


If you’re looking for a more flexible software solution for your practice, it might be time to step away from a remote desktop and consider a true cloud solution, such as MedicalDirector Helix. With true cloud, you’ll get the benefits of greater speed, scalability and less time spent on maintenance and upgrades. And, it’s likely cheaper for your practice, too. 

Is your practice software true cloud? Download our free checklist to find out.

Cloud vs on premise – what’s right for your practice?