Clinical User Guide
Requirement 1 - Integrating Healthcare Identifiers into Electronic Practice Records

Integrating Healthcare Identifiers into Electronic Practice Records

The intent of this Requirement is to make Healthcare Identifiers available for Secure Message Delivery and for use in the personally controlled electronic health (eHealth) record.

The Federal, state and territory governments have developed a national Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service) which uniquely identifies healthcare providers and individuals who seek healthcare. Medicare Australia is the operator of the HI Service. The HI Service will give individuals and Healthcare Providers confidence that the right health information is associated with the right individual at the point of care.

The HI Service allocates three types of healthcare identifiers:

o      Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) - Allocated to individuals enrolled in the Medicare program or those who are issued with a Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) treatment card and others who seek healthcare in Australia.

o      Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI-I) - Allocated to healthcare providers involved in providing patient care.

o      Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O) - Allocated to organisations that deliver healthcare (such as hospitals and medical practices)


Pracsoft and Clinical have been enhanced to interface with the HI service, and can interact with the HI service in real-time, retrieving and then storing a patient's IHI in the system.

o      The Practice: Each registered practice must apply for an HPI-O (Healthcare Provider Identifier- Organisation) number, which must be entered in the associated field within the practice's details.

o      Practitioners: Each registered practitioner must apply for an HPI-I (Healthcare Provider Identifier-Individual) number, which must be entered in the associated field within the practitioner's details.

o      Patients: Each registered patient will be provided with an IHI (Individual Healthcare Identifier) number, which is automatically retrieved and entered into the associated field within the patient's details.


Before you begin integrating Healthcare Identifiers in both Clinical and Pracsoft

Obtain the following information:

o      Ensure your practice is accredited with RACGP for PIP. For more information on accreditation:

o      Obtain a HPI-O. For information, visit the Medicare  for Healthcare Professionals web site

o      Obtain a HPI-I. For information, visit the Medicare  for Healthcare Professionals site

o      Obtain a PKI certificate/s


PKI Certificate  

Where to obtain PKI Certificate

Supported inMD/PS Version

PIP Incentive Requirement

For more information, please consult the following guides, available from the MedicalDirector eHealth Site at

Practice Configuration for Clinical with/without MedicalDirector Pracsoft

Once you apply for your Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Certificates, you will receive these certificates on a CD.


o      The NASH PKI Certificate, required for My Health Record and Secure Messaging, will be provided on a separate CD.

o      If you use both Clinical and Pracsoft you only need to perform the steps below in one product.


Import HI Signing and Encryption Certificates

1.      Within Clinical, select Tools > Options. Select the PKI tab.


2.      Click to call the associated import window, as shown below.


3.      Via the Type drop-down menu, select the HI Signing Certificate option.

4.      Click  to browse to, and select your HI Signing Certificate (Fac_sign.p12).

5.      Enter the HI Signing Certificate's password.

6.      Click

7.      Click again, to call the associated import window.

8.      Via the Type drop-down menu, select the HI Encryption Certificate option.

9.      Click to browse to, and select your HI Encryption Certificate (Fac_encrypt.p12).

10.   Enter the HI Encryption Certificate's password.

11.   Click

12.   Click Save on the Options window.


Record HPI-O Number

1.      Within Clinical, select Tools > Options. The Options window appears.

2.      Select the Practice tab.


3.      Within the HPI-O No. field, enter your supplied Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation number.

4.      Click Save to confirm, and close the Options window.


Record HPI-I Number

1.      Within Clinical, select User > Setup Users to access the User Database.

2.      Locate and double-click the user record you wish to edit.

3.      Enter your HPI-I number into the HPI-I No field provided.

4.      Tick the Participate in MyHealthRecord check box, and enter your details as you wish them to appear in the My Health Record system.


5.      Click OK to save and close the window.


Validate Patient IHI Number

Note that you only need to perform this step for your patients as they come in for consultation. However, it is highly recommended that you follow this process for at least one patient now, to ensure that your setup is configured and functioning correctly.

1.      Within Clinical's Clinical Window (or via the Patient List – F10), open the Patient Details window.


2.      Select the Pt Details tab.

3.      Ensure that the following details have been recorded and are correct:

o      First Name

o      Surname

o      Medicare No and position on card, or DVA No.

o      Date of Birth

o      Sex at Birth


4.      Click  The validation commences, and upon positive verification, the IHI Record Status will read 'Verified'.
