Don’t Rush to Crush Edition 3 now available
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Don’t Rush to Crush Edition 3 now available

Are you getting the most up to date medicines information content? We take a look at what you need to know about the latest Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook and why it’s a critical resource for better administering of oral medicines to patients with enteral feeding tubes or swallowing difficulties.

A safer way of administering medicines

The Australian Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook is a reference guide published by The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) to safely administer oral medicines to people with enteral feeding tubes or swallowing difficulties.

The Australian Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook 3rd edition is a comprehensive reference of over 550 oral medicines, currently available in Australia.

What’s in the new edition?

After consulting with 650 health professionals, the new Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook 3rd Edition contains:

  • 570 oral medicines
  • 50 new drug entries
  • an easy to use monograph format
  • merging of monographs
  • new small doses section
  • extensive dispersion studies
  • validation

A focus on patient-centric care

Every monograph in the third edition of Don’t Rush to Crush has been reviewed and it includes over 50 new drugs, and the format and layout of the monographs has been changed to provide a greater focus on patient-centric care.

The information is now more clearly and simply presented as a series of options of what to do for people with enteral feeding tubes and what to do for people with swallowing difficulties.

In some instances where information is similar or relevant to more than one medicine, some monographs have been combined. For example, the prednisolone and prednisone monographs are now presented on the same page. Some over the counter products such as antacids, antihistamines and decongestant preparations have been combined into single monographs.

A new section of comparative tables has also been added. The tables provide at a glance information about the physical suitability for modification of medicines within a drug class. The aim is to assist with selection of the most appropriate medicine within a class for a person with an enteral feeding tube or swallowing difficulty.

A more accurate approach to administering small doses

For selected medicines, there is a new section in the Don’t Rush to Crush monographs called “What to do for doses less than a whole tablet”. This is important information about giving very small doses, mostly to children or people with renal impairment and may include instructions for preparing a part-dose or aliquot.

An easier way to find relevant content

For a seamless way to find relevant medicines information content, the new, third edition of Don’t Rush to Crush is fully integrated into MedicalDirector’s medicines information database AusDI. This ensures you have a wealth of relevant content at your fingertips, which is easy to search and navigate ensuring greater clinical decision support at the point of care.

Is your medicines information relevant?

The new edition of Don’t Rush to Crush will be released 1st of September, 2018. Updates to the third edition of the Australian Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook will be released automatically via your integrated subscription with AusDI.

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