Clinical User Guide
eOrders for ACL

1 - Disable the Legacy ACL eOrders Application

1.      Open Australian Clinical Labs SMSC software (typically installed on your practice server)

2.      Open Settings and un-tick ‘Enable eRequest’ option.

2 - Ensure Australian Clinical Labs (or one of its alias or past trade names) is in your Address Book.

If your Address Book does not include ACL or one of its alias or past trade names, jump to Step 3 for instructions on how to add one.

1.      From within MedicalDirector Clinical, select File > Address Book


2.      Within the Address Book, filter the list of entries by category 'Pathology'


3.      Ensure that at least one of the names from the list below is present in your address book under Pathology category:

3 - Add Australian Clinical Labs to the Address Book

You can skip these instructions if Australian Clinical Labs is already in  your Address Book.

1.      From within MedicalDirector Clinical, select File > Address Book


2.      Within the Address Book:

o      Select the Company option.

o      Select the Pathology category.

o      Name the entry Australian Clinical Labs.

4 - Setting Australian Clinical Labs eOrders as your Default Choice

1.      Within Clinical, select Tools > Options.

2.      Select the Investigations tab, and set the following:

o      Choose Australian Clinical Labs (or its alias) from the Company drop-down list.

o      Tick the option Use as preferred laboratory.

o      Tick the option Default to eOrder service for ordering all pathology/cytology tests.

5 - Creating an Australian Clinical Labs eOrder

If you have set ACL as your default provider, simply click in the patient's record to initiate a pathology eOrder with ACL.

Alternatively, if ACL is not your default provider, click to call the Pathology Request Window.

o      Ensure the Provider is Australian Clinical Labs

Click to initiate a pathology eOrder with ACL.