MedicalDirector Online Help
Helix Update Release Notes
25th of July 2019


Address Book

You can now add contacts outside of Letter Writer and the Billing modules. We have also made further enhancements to Address Book to make it more intuitive and easier to use including:

o      Filter functionality to show All, Approved or Inactive contacts

o      Filter functionality to show external or internal contacts (Clinical)

o      Sort capability by name, suburb, postcode, state, type (Clinical) and unique ID (Practice Management).

o      Display of address status to easily identify those waiting for approval

o      Edit icon added

o      Performance improvements to make searching for contacts and speciality faster

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o      To avoid Medicare claim rejections,Helix now restricts the issue of any Medicare Bulk Bill or DVA claims that are $0.


o      A new ‘Patient Details’ report has been created that includes patient demographics, ATSI status and SNAP information allowing practices to extract some patient information.


o      We have increased the character limit in tasks so that you can now enter the appropriate detail to describe the task.

Template Management

o      Measurements including height, weight, BP, cholesterol, blood glucose and Smoking and Alcohol history is now available to include within existing and new templates. This saves time when generating letters or Healthy Heart checks.

Bug Fixes

o      Tasks now can be acknowledged by all users assigned to it, previously only one user was able to acknowledge a task.

o      The ‘Acknowledge’ button within Tasks now greys out once acknowledged.

o      The Post Code search within Patient Details now displays all available corresponding suburbs rather than just the top 10.

o      Letter references have been corrected within the Patient Extract so now show Letter Classification e.g. Specialist or Centrelink.