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Helix Updates

Helix Release Notes – 4 August, 2022

4 August, 2022


  • Removal of handwritten requirements for S8 drug prescriptions in ACT and WA: Following recent prescription legislation changes in ACT and WA, healthcare practitioners are no longer required to handwrite details when prescribing S8 drugs. The prompt and space for the handwritten component on the prescription has been removed for ACT and WA based medical practices.
  • ‘To’ and ‘cc’ can be viewed from results in patient timeline: Following the recent work undertaken to improve the visibility of the copied recipients for an inbox item within the inbox area, we have also updated the patient timeline to display additional recipients who have been copied into a patient’s lab result.
  • Reviewing patient arrival status in appointment status history: In appointment status history, you can now see a patient’s arrival status, when they arrived and who updated the status to ‘arrived’.
  • Additional billing status for an issued invoice: Before this change, Helix allowed for three visit states (Draft, Ready to Bill and Issued). We have added another state for the scenario where an issued visit is edited by adding or removing an item. In this situation, the visit state will show as ‘Pending’ until the practice manager re-issues it.