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Helix Updates

Helix Release Notes – 21 November, 2023

21 November, 2023

New features 🎁

Inactivity Timeout: In line with the latest electronic prescribing security requirements, an inactivity timeout feature has been introduced. After a period of detected inactivity, users will be required to re-enter their password to continue. The period of inactivity is set to 15 minutes by default, and can be configured in Settings – Security – System Settings by any user with access to roles and permissions under settings.

Enhancements ✨

MyMedicare registrations via Letter Writer: Patients can now be registered via Helix’s Letter Writer. This can be found under ‘MyMedicare Patient Registration Form’.  Please note that this currently requires a manual print out for registration.

Electronic Prescribing: Helix is now aligned to electronic prescribing conformance profile 2.3. Changes include:

  • Reauthentication is required for s8 medications for all states, and no longer requires users to re-enter their username

  • Prompt to indicate when ‘minimum interval between repeats’ is missing when prescribing a controlled drug with repeats

  • Clearer messaging when a user tries to cancel an electronic prescription that has already been dispensed.

  • Other jurisdictional enhancements

Audit LogAn ‘Export’ button has been added to the audit log screen to allow users to export the logs to a CSV file. The ‘Login’ audit log now includes:

  • Login and logoff activity

  • Reauthentication when prescribing S8 medications

  • Reauthentication after a user inactivity timeout

Healthcare Identifiers ServicePatient IHI numbers where the number status is ‘Resolved’ are retained in the ‘IHI History’ list.