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Invest your grant in the Strengthening Medicare GP Grants Program before 30 June 2024

11 June, 2024

After opening in April 2023, the Federal Government Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program (the Program) enabled general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) to apply for a one-off grant of up to $50,000 for investing in innovation, training, equipment, and minor capital works. 

There are only a few weeks left for eligible organisations which were awarded a grant in the Program to invest the funding before the deadline of 30 June 2024. Funds cannot be rolled over into the next financial year.   

About the program 

The Program provides the flexibility for those awarded a grant to identify investments within one or more of the following three investment streams that best address their organisation’s needs:  

  1. Enhancing digital health capability to fast-track the benefits of a more connected healthcare system in readiness to meet future standards. This is intended to increase take-up of contemporary digital health solutions including video telehealth, secure data storage and interoperable software that supports seamless, secure communication of patient data.
  2. Upgrading infection prevention and control arrangements to support the safe, face-to-face assessment of patients with symptoms of potentially infectious respiratory diseases (e.g. COVID, influenza). This is intended to increase the proportion of COVID Positive and other respiratory patients treated in a general practice setting (by increasing practices’ capacity to treat more of these patients).
  3. Maintaining or achieving accreditation against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practices (5th edition), under the General Practice Accreditation Scheme to promote quality and safety in general practice. This is intended to increase the number of accredited general practices. 

      If your organisation is still planning to invest in the ‘enhancing digital health capability’ investment stream, consider how Telstra Health can help.

      Completing an online acquittal form 

      Once the Program has ended, organisations which have received funding in the Program are required to complete an online financial acquittal form. The form requires listing grant funding expenditure and completing an online self-evaluation form to explain how the grant has improved your organisation, in line with the Program objectives. This must be completed before 31 July 2024.

      Enhancing digital health capability in your organisation  

      As Australia’s largest provider of digital solutions and services to healthcare providers and governments across the care continuum, Telstra Health’s range of primary care and community care digital health solutions can substantially enhance digital health capability in general practices and ACCHOs.

      Our solutions, platforms and services for general practices and ACCHOs are designed to quickly and easily store, access, update and manage critical patient data and securely share information with a patient’s other providers.

      Furthermore, our clinical and administrative practice software and solutions assist healthcare providers in delivering continuity of care that is safe, secure and efficient. 

      For example: 

      • Primary care providers can enhance digital capability through MedicalDirector’s Helix, a cloud-based electronic medical record and practice management software which combines practice management and clinical workflows into one seamless, modern online interface. Helix enables general practices to manage all patient interactions securely from any location, and the solution is fully integrated with telehealth, ePrescribing, Real Time Prescription Monitoring, the Australian Immunisation Register and Australia’s most up-to-date drug database AusDI. Download this PDF to find out how our primary care solutions can enhance digital health capability in your practice.
      • ACCHOs can enhance digital capability through Communicare, Australia’s leading digital primary and community care solution which is used by 70 per cent of Aboriginal medical services Australia-wide.
        Communicare supports multi-disciplinary primary health services, allied health providers and community services to deliver quality care across the communities they serve – many of which are based in rural and remote areas and supports patients with complex and diverse care needs. 

      Find out more about our connected solutions for primary and community healthcare providers, and how they can support your organisation.