Pracsoft User Guide
ATSI Patient List Extraction Report

This report lists patients, according to their ATSI extraction, who have had visits recorded within the period between the 'From:' and 'To:' dates specified below.

For each practitioner, the report lists:

o      Aboriginal Patients and Number of Aboriginal Patients

o      Torres Strait Islander Patients and Number of Torres Strait Islander Patients

o      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients and Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Patients

o      Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander Patients and Number of Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander Patients

o      Number of Patient with blank selection which will be presented as Not stated/inadequately described and Number of Patients overall.

A Total Number of Patients Listed is also supplied.

For each listed patient, the report details:

o      Chart Number, Patient Name

o      Address Details

o      Sex at Birth

o      Date of Birth

o      Age

You are able to print a separate page per practitioner, or you may choose to print this as a summary for the whole Practice.  An additional option (click the 'Additional' tab below) allows you to print the report for a specific extraction type.

To Generate an ATSI Patient List Extraction Report

1.      Select Reports > All Reports. The Pracsoft Reports window appears.

2.      Within the Report Type section, select Demographics.

3.      Within the Report Name section, select ATSI Patient List Extraction.


4.      Select the Common tab:

o      Enter a Date Range for the report

o      Indicate whether results for each practitioner will be printed on separate pages.


5.      Select the Additional tab. If required, select a specific ATSI status to filter the report on.

6.      Click Print when you are ready to proceed.