Maintenance User Guide
Patient Reviver

The Patient Reviver utility is provided as a mechanism for restoring patients that have previously been marked as Deceased or Deleted.

To run the Patient Reviver:

1.      Locate and double-click the MedicalDirector Maintenance icon on your desktop. The MedicalDirector Maintenance window appears.

2.      Select the Database Tasks > Common menu item.


3.      Double-click

(Optional) If this is the first time you have tried to access the Patient Reviver during this session of working in MedicalDirector Maintenance, you will be prompted to select a Configuration, and enter your Username and Password.


4.      The Patient Reviver appears.


5.      Locate and select the patient you wish to revive.

o      Click to view further demographic information about the selected record to confirm that this is the correct patient.

o      Click  The patient record is restored to active status.


6.      Click to exit.