Clinical User Guide
User Defined Preparations (Recipes)

Clinical provides a facility for adding User Defined Preparations (Recipes) to the drug database. This is especially useful for extemporaneous preparations.

The User Defined Preparations list is accessed from within the patient's Clinical Window via Clinical > Recipes.

You may Edit an existing Recipe or remove one from this list with Delete

To add a new recipe click Add  The Extemporaneous Preparation window appears.

A number of fields in the 'Extemporaneous preparation' dialogue window need to be completed.

Item Name



Quantity and Repeats





Once entered, recipes appear in the drug list in the same way as standard drugs, and can be prescribed without taking any extra steps. For example, if the letters PSO are entered when adding a new drug to a patient's list, 'PSORIASIS CREAM' will appear in the list alongside any MDref items starting with those letters.