Clinical User Guide
Cardiovascular Risk Calculator (Relative CVD Risk)

The Cardiovascular Risk Calculator is a calculator only; measurements entered, and values calculated are saved within the calculator itself for viewing later, but data and results are not saved back to the patient's record. There are two CVD Risk Calculators available; Absolute and Relative (selectable via associated buttons on the window). This topic is about the Relative Calculator.  See also Cardiovascular Risk - Absolute Calculator.


1.      From within the Clinical Window, select Tools > Tool Box > Cardiovascular Risk. The CV Risk tab appears.

2.      Click

3.      Enter values for the following fields:

o      Systolic Blood Pressure - (Enter a value between 50 and 300).

o      Diastolic Blood Pressure - (Enter a value between 20 and 150).

o      Cigarettes/Day

o      Cholesterol - (Enter a value between 2 and 30. Leaving this field blank is equivalent to recording a '0').



4.      Click  A new entry appears within the recorded data on the right-hand side of this window. Note that although this data is saved to this window for future reference, it is not saved back to other locations in the patient's record. You can double-click any result to call information about it, such as in the example below.