MedicalDirector Online Help
Helix Update Release Notes
4th September 2019


Recording Allergy by Brand Name

o      You can now record your patient’s allergy by drug brand name within allergies, which when added will trigger a warning when prescribing, minimising clinical risk.



o      You can now easily view the patient’s next appointment in recalls list to assist when scheduling the next recall appointments

o      You can group recalls related to a patient or reason by using the sorting functionality

o      Improved visibility of number of comments associated with the recall to assist you in recall management


Appointment Book

o      You can now use the block/unavailable appointment type to book a non- patient appointment

o      A new look and feel is now available when creating a new appointment, which includes appointment time range and Healthcare Practitioner’s name

o      You can select the appointment type via the drop-down functionality and search for patient by patient's name, Date of Birth or Medicare number

o      Once an appointment is created, you will be taken to the “Current Visit” screen to add billing type and notes before saving the appointment



o      Items billed to the practice (Invoice to Centre )(CTR) will now appear in both transactions report and transaction payment report, within the summary and details sections in both reports.

Bug Fixes

o      A patient's future appointment information will be available after the practice receives a confirmed/declined SMS response.

o      If you are an admin user, you can now remove selected providers in the Pathology and Imaging settings and save the changes.